Thursday 7 November 2013

'Param' is new dance production by Sheela Unnikrishnan

Sridevi Nrithyalaya will present this 'season' its new production PARAM in the Bharatanatyam margam format.

Sheela Unnikrishnan, guru and director says this theme seeks to establish that lord Siva symbolizes the masculine principle - the consciousness and Sakthi the feminine principle - the activating power and energy. The ultimate truth, that only when Siva and Sakthi unite action, movement and creation arise, will be the point of focus in this production.

The depiction of PARAM in the thematic form will showcase the union of the primal couple, the birth and growth of Devi Meenakshi in Madurai, the Ardhanaareeswara thathva, various episodes from the lives of Thirugnaana Sambandhar, Siru Thondar and Sundharar (the 3 great devotees from the famous 63 Nayanmaars), the sequence of Siva capturing the river Ganges in His matted locks, yearning of jeevatma to unite with the Paramatma, the Apocalypse and the re-emerging creation.

The theme is conceived by the panel of Sridevi Nrithyalaya, lyrics are adapted from the works of famous composers as well as some penned by Padmadevan, music by Kuldeep M Pai and choreography by Sheela Unnikrishnan.

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